lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

W-K-L chocolate

We had to read a text about a chocolate taster and then we had to answer some questions, but before we had to organize all of it´s information in the graphic organizer we like most. In my case i like w-k-l charts like this one because i can show what is it that i know, would like to know and learnt.
What do I know?
What do I want to know?
What have I learnt?
·       Chocolate tasters know a lot of the different types of chocolate.
·       They have to eat many chocolate per day.
·       They love chocolate.

·       What happen if they are not hungry?
·       How does this chocolate taster does to keep fit?
·       How many chocolate do they eat per day?
·      Does it have any possitive aspect to eat so many chocolate?
·       Chloe swims four hours a day and eats light meals to keep fit.
·       She eats 300 grams of chocolate per day.
·       Eating a moderated amount of chocolate is healthy.
·       Most people make a mistake while buying chocolate.
·      She also eates a light meal so that then, at the time of working she is hungry.

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