martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Why the ocean is salad?

Millons of years before, in the Palace of Kingtown, Mr. Albert VI had a very important mission. His wife Monica Margarita Maria Montolla Fiore de la Santa Rosa wanted to send a very large amount of salt to her sister. But her sister lived in the other part of the world. In fact she was a godess an lived in the Olimpo Mount.. When the servers of the kings arrived, they met Monica Margarita Maria Montolla Fiore de la Santa Rosa's sister. She told them to put the salt in her cloud to take it to feed the salt's animal in the Pacific Ocean. But nobody knew about him because people would want to see him and maybe fishermen would like to kill him and sell him. He was like almost his best friend. But during the voyage, the salt fell to the ocean and when she realised it all the ocean was salty. Now all the nights she does the same trying to arrive with the salt to the other side of the ocean. The day in wich she will arrive will be the last day in wichthe ocean will be salty.

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