domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015

Mad Men

In the series Mad Men the main topic is advertising, in the first chapter of season 1, a tobacco company resorts to this advertising company to ask for help since they have to hide the health damaging aspects of cigarettes from people as some investigations had been done and people were suspecting.
Our task in the thinking skills class was after watching the chapter find this information:

1. Identify some of the vested interests in this scene. How do these work?
2. Why is Peter's idea rejected, and why is Don's idea accepted?

  1. In this scene we can see the vested interest in what the tobacco company owners say since they want to show that their product does not lead to fatal ilness, they want to show the interesting side. Although they know that it is not healthy thery want their advertising to show other aspects, because otherwise people would stop buying Lucky Strike. That´s their vested interest, they hide the truth because if they do not do so they wuold loose clients and lots of money.

2. Peter's idea was rejected because he suggested to tell people that yes, cigarettes are bad for their health but there are worse things and they may die from something else so why not die from smoking. He said that people want to die so it is a good idea to tell them that the product that they are consuming will kill them. On the other hand, Don's idea was accepted because he meant to show people other aspects of that tobacco company,  that were meaningless but a good way to distract people from the negative ones, that's why he suggested to tell people that  tobacco was toasted, although it did not make the cigarettes more healthy, it just hid the fact that they were damaging.

viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015

Tobacco advertising

When advertising, tobacco companies, do not show the negative aspects of smoking or the concecuences. Moreover, te people advertising the cigarettes are young and healthy so they make people think that they will look that way and itis a good habit, when in reality, it is the other wsy around. Furthermore, the people shown smoking are often athletes in open places, but smoking is real,y bad for sport. They do this because if they told the truth they would loose millions of dollars since probably many people do not know the concecuences but if they were shown in adverising or in the packages people qould be more aware and scared which would led to them stop consuming. Also, many scientist risk their careers for working for these companies so they do not want to be exposed. In this advertisement a baby is telling her mom to go smoke, so ir shows people that smoking does not affect children but actually it really does. It also makes people think that it makes them good parents and that it is the roght way to take a break from parenting.