What do I know?
What do I want to know?
What have I learnt?
· Chocolate tasters know a lot of the different types of chocolate.
· They have to eat many chocolate per day.
· They love chocolate.
· What happen if they are not hungry?
· How does this chocolate taster does to keep fit?
· How many chocolate do they eat per day?
· Does it have any possitive aspect to eat so many chocolate?
· Chloe swims four hours a day and eats light meals to keep fit.
· She eats 300 grams of chocolate per day.
· Eating a moderated amount of chocolate is healthy.
· Most people make a mistake while buying chocolate.
· She also eates a light meal so that then, at the time of working she is hungry.
lunes, 30 de julio de 2012
W-K-L chocolate
We had to read a text about a chocolate taster and then we had to answer some questions, but before we had to organize all of it´s information in the graphic organizer we like most. In my case i like w-k-l charts like this one because i can show what is it that i know, would like to know and learnt.
This is a mindmap of Mount Vesuvius´s eruption.
This is the link: http://www.mindomo.com/es/index.htm#editor
This is the link: http://www.mindomo.com/es/index.htm#editor
Suhata Bhatt´s diary entry
3th of June
Dear diary,
Today I woke up and watched through the window of my room, I am used to see the Indian flag, but today something different was what I could see, the British flag was moving with the wind on the mast instead of my flag, can you imagine the horrible feeling?
These months have been terrible, it´s such the contempt I have with the British, it´s so horrible. I feel like living on another country, but I know that I am in India. It is just that I have never imagined that such a depressing thing would happen here, in my country, in my place! Everyday thousands of British soldiers reach the Indian ports and threat all the people in the streets, I never had that feeling, but I think that there´s somebody inside me trying to shout as louder as possible and kill every soldier that crosses by his way. From one day to the other I am not any more Indian? In whose head does this fit?
I feel miserable, everybody that is next to me feels miserable too, the Indian and British soldiers that die in battles and their families also feel miserable, what´s the point of this? trying to make people´s life miserable just because!!
I confess you that when I read in the diary about the first battle, I was above to die!
Kisses and wish me good luck to be heard by God and this horrible colonization stop!
Report: Argentina´s main environmental problems
The aim of this report is to show the main environmental problems in Argentina, their consequences, what is being done and the best solution for them. It is also very important to notice how humans are affecting the environment and what little things they could do to help it. In this case there are no advantages of pollution but there is an extremely long list of things that could be avoided and aren´t.
· There are many places in which water that could be drunk is polluted:
That makes that many people can´t drink it and die.
The Riachuelo is a great example of how potable water is dismissed and of how people pollute it knowing the danger and the gravity of it.
Only a 0.025% of the water in the Earth is potable, if it is all put in a pail, only a spoon of tea is sweet potable water.
Long term dangers
Most probably, because of all this, in a not so far future there will be no more sweet water.
Many people think that water always evaporate and go again to oceans and lakes, but only a 20% of the water does that. So they don´t take care of it.
The construction of many dams, which seems to be a very good think for environment, caused that many rivers or lakes of sweet water weren´t available for drinking it because they were used for electricity. This is a very complicated aspect to analyze because it is great that energy is produced in a renewable way, but it´s consequences haven´t been studied most probably.
What is being done?
Argentina has many laws against water pollution but they are not being obey and nobody care about it.
So anything is being done.
What should be done?
While washing teeth or cleaning the cutlery the tap should be closed.
People should take short baths.
Garbage shouldn´t be thrown in rivers, lakes or oceans.
Water the garden should be something that is done when the sun doesn´t shine so much, at the late evening.
Watering the garden can be done with non-potable water.
The water from the swimming-pools which is changed may be recycled.
The rain water should be taken in advantage for watering
· Traffic, most of the people drive cars on their own, while maybe they could take the bus or drive with other people who are going to the same place such as work or school mates.
That pollutes the air and makes many noises which doesn´t pollute so directly the environment but anyway it does.
It is a pity that most of the people careless about this.
It is also cheaper to travel by train, bus, walking, cycling or in a shared car than taking your car or a taxi by your own.
Long-term dangers
One day there will be no more petrol and people will be worried about it and will start to think why they didn´t save it in the past but it will be too late and people will have to cycle or walks everywhere.
What is being done?
Maybe the thing of creating a card which allows you to go everywhere with it and not to have coins with you that they are maybe difficult to find is good because you can take a bus or a train with no excuses, before, if you don´t have coins you had to take a taxi yes or yes, or walk but only for short distances.
What should be done?
People should take a public transport or a bike for traveling to a near place.
For going to school or work people should walk if it is near. Or with friends who are going to the same or a near place.
· Incontrollable landfills, this proposes to burn all the solid garbages in the urban areas, but also the toxic ones from factories and hospitals, but they create new and worst problems such as illnesses.
Long-term dangers
Many people will die because the toxic gases produce illnesses such as cancer.
Those gases contribute to the greenhouse effect, another important problem.
What is being done?
Argentina signed a treaty with all the people who lived near landfills and with other countries also in the Estocolmo´s agreement.
There is a law that prohibits the use of landscapes but it is not bing obey and in 2007 the government tried to use landfills again but it was denounced by Greenpeace.
What should be done?
People should have many different bins with different colors each in their houses, one for organic garbage, one for paper and cardboard, one for plastic bottles and bags, and another one for glasses. Then each of them have a truck. All the garbage should be recycled or deposited in a safe place in which there is no people living near.
There should be bins all over the cities of the four colors because if not all the work that is done in the houses is waisted. Anyway people have to do this, not just have the bins and throw everything to the same one.
· Waste of natural resources, there are many ways of not abusing of them but people careless about them because they will be over in millions of years and it won´t be their problem but it will be of their great great great great great grand children and it is not nice to let that future to our families. This problem is related with the traffic one because it not only talks about gases, also about the petrol that is waisted as if it was for eternity.
Long term-dangers
Most probably in a not so far future most of the natural resources that we normally use won´t be available and life will be very difficult, no because of petrol because it is not that necessary but water is completely needed, life would not be possible with out it.
What is being done?
Nothing, there are agreements but nobody care about them.
What should be done?
People should walk or cycle more because it does not need petrol but it is also healthier and cheaper!
There should be buses that go all over the cities not to just a few places.
There also should be more buses with the same destination so that more people could travel.
Public transports should be clean and safe to encourage people to travel on them.
miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012
Todos los soles mienten
La novela se trata de un grupo de amigos que se dieron cuenta de que el mundo se estaba acabando y que ellos eran la última generación.Las ratas invadieron la calle y los jóvenes son quienes tienen que encargarse de su exterminio. Descubrieron un lugar en el cual hay una piedra que mantiene la temperatura, entonces, para poder sobrevivir había que decidir cuales serían los suertudos cuatro que tengan un lugar en la cueva con una mínima posibilidad de reproducirse y ser felices hasta que el frío desaparezca y todo vuelva a ser normal. Aunque los políticos hagan todo lo posible para evitarlo.
Me pareció una novela muy atrapante. Siempre ocurre algo que le impide a los personajes seguir con su idea, ya sean las ratas o Abelardo A. Me hizo acordar mucho a la actualidad porque se sentían la última generación y que el mundo se estaba acabando, fue muy triste también al final cuando mueren porque durante toda la novela daba la sensación de que todas iban a salvarse y sobrevivir, pero al final mueren para hacerle honor a su amigo que murió por causa de la cueva y su plan. Yo pensé que todo era momentáneo y que se iba a solucionar, pero a medida que avanza la trama el frío no para y todo va empeorándose y enfriándose. Yo a lo mejor si tuviese la posibilidad de cambiar algo de la historia, cambiaría el final porque era muy feo que los políticos, desde sus refugios, anuncien el momento final, aunque, de vez en cuando esta bueno que los cuentos tengan un final triste e inesperado. Lo que me llamo mucho la atención y si cambiaría es que tal vez sería mejor en vez de ir a buscar a sus amigos en el momento final, los chicos deberían haber ido en busca de sus padres. Tenía un ambiente típico de ciencia ficción, el cual no era para nada familiar y mostraba el futuro de una forma contrautópica, es decir, era muy pesimista y sombría. Yo recomendaría de todos modos esta historia porque a penas comensas a leer te atrapa y queres saber como termina, aunque las espectativas, en mi caso, eran de un final feliz con los problemas solucionados.
Me pareció una novela muy atrapante. Siempre ocurre algo que le impide a los personajes seguir con su idea, ya sean las ratas o Abelardo A. Me hizo acordar mucho a la actualidad porque se sentían la última generación y que el mundo se estaba acabando, fue muy triste también al final cuando mueren porque durante toda la novela daba la sensación de que todas iban a salvarse y sobrevivir, pero al final mueren para hacerle honor a su amigo que murió por causa de la cueva y su plan. Yo pensé que todo era momentáneo y que se iba a solucionar, pero a medida que avanza la trama el frío no para y todo va empeorándose y enfriándose. Yo a lo mejor si tuviese la posibilidad de cambiar algo de la historia, cambiaría el final porque era muy feo que los políticos, desde sus refugios, anuncien el momento final, aunque, de vez en cuando esta bueno que los cuentos tengan un final triste e inesperado. Lo que me llamo mucho la atención y si cambiaría es que tal vez sería mejor en vez de ir a buscar a sus amigos en el momento final, los chicos deberían haber ido en busca de sus padres. Tenía un ambiente típico de ciencia ficción, el cual no era para nada familiar y mostraba el futuro de una forma contrautópica, es decir, era muy pesimista y sombría. Yo recomendaría de todos modos esta historia porque a penas comensas a leer te atrapa y queres saber como termina, aunque las espectativas, en mi caso, eran de un final feliz con los problemas solucionados.
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